Project Objectives

The project’s main objective is to increase productivity, commercialization and competitiveness of agricultural commodities and enterprises in the project areas. When the project is fully implemented State Department of Crops Development will have achieved remarkable milestones towards food security, income generation and employment creation.

The project’s main objective is further split into 3 objectives. These are:

Project Objective 1: To Increase agricultural productivity, promote commercialization and competitiveness of high value crops and livestock produced by target communities

The approach entails enhancing irrigation through development and rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure in 12 No. small-scale irrigation schemes as well as development of micro irrigation. Enhanced water harvesting, storage, soil and water conservation together with access to irrigation is expected to contribute to increased agricultural productivity of high value crops and livestock produced by poor and marginalized communities in the target counties.

Project Objective 2: Increase market access and trade in high value crops, livestock and livestock products

Improvement of approximately 300 km of access roads, construction of livestock sale yards, construction of post-harvest handling facilities and agro-processing facilities for value addition are some of the expected key outputs to contribute to improved market access.

Project Objective 3: Improve sector-wide institution building, implementation and coordination mechanisms.

Under this objective, beneficiaries will be assisted to build strong community based institutions (Irrigation Water Users Associations, Water Users Associations and Farmer Groups) that will maintain the infrastructure as well as manage marketing of their products. Capacity development is expected to infuse sustainability into the project activities so that benefits are sustained long after the project period. In addition, capacity development in marketing will contribute to increased market access and trade for the high value crops and small stock produced by the beneficiaries.

In addition there will be a focus on project implementation structures at national as well as county level. These shall improve sector-wide implementation and coordination mechanisms at the two levels ensuring that the project outputs and outcomes are delivered effectively and efficiently. This will be achieved through establishment of national and County Coordination Units. The project management and coordination will be led by the PCU that will facilitate planning, management and coordination of project activities.

Food and Agriculture Organization will provide technical support for the project under this objective.